Saturday, September 20, 2008

How to capture text, backup configuration WITH PUTTY

It is so easy to capture your configuration file with putty.

Here is what you need to do:

1- launch putty and connect to your cisco router

2- Enter the user exec mode (router> enable)

3- Issue the terminal length 0 command (router# terminal length 0) in order to force the router to return the entire response at once, rather than one screen at a time.
This allows you to capture the configuration without extraneous −−more−− prompts generated when the router responds one screen at a time.

4- Right-click on the menubar (of the putty screen) and select "change Settings"

5- Click logging under Session, select "Log all session output"

6- choose the location and name of the file (I like to place my conf on my desktop)

7- clic apply

8- issue the show run command (router# show run)

loggout and see the output on your desktop (or the location you chose).

I will post the video very soon.


Unknown said...

Thank you. I was looking for this solution all over.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the info.. it really helped me...